Pure, Unrefined, Organic Shea Butter


Wouldn’t You Love To Look Ageless

Wouldn’t You Love To Look Ageless

Everyone has three different ages.  First there is the chronological age which is the age in number of years since being born.  Then there is the biological age which is the age of your body system at a specific time and is affected by a 

Massage oil from Shea butter

Massage oil from Shea butter

A good massage creates great physical and emotional relaxation and facilitates the flow of endorphin to your brain. However, massaging on bare skin can cause chafing, reddening and bruising. Hence, a critical part of a proper massage is the right massage oil. What makes a 

22 Shea Butter Benefits

22 Shea Butter Benefits

Shea butter benefits have been testified for many years all around the globe by people with different skin types. Ever asked yourself why you should use Shea butter? There are so many lotions, creams and mixtures on the shelf; so what are the key Shea 

Do you know your cosmetic ingredients?

Do you know your cosmetic ingredients?

Cosmetic ingredients are the building blocks of all great cosmetic product. They come as organic, inorganic, liquids, solids, gaseous, natural or synthetic forms. It is no longer a secrete that the desire for good looks and ‘flawless’ skin, has blinded many consumers seeking their ‘cosmetic