5 TIPS to Fight Hair Loss. Don’t miss this one

Hair Loss can be REAL for you!
Is your hair thinning already? See this 5 simple tips on how to avoid thinning hair. If you think hair loss is exclusively a man’s problem, you are not completely correct. Hair loss can affect right about anybody – men, women and even children. Even though there are many factors that lead to hair loss – medical, personal, hereditary – there are some steps you can take to stop this embarrassing process.
Below are some simple steps you can take to prevent further hair loss and even help you regrow some already lost hair:
1. Scalp attention: I once saw a friend try to grow flowers on a terrible looking soil. Of course, he failed. Likewise trying to grow healthy hair on a malnourished, sick looking scalp will fail. Don’t just wash your hair, wash your scalp by gently massaging it with shampoo during hair wash. Also be sure to oil dry scalps. This will ensure that your scalp is clean and healthy – one of the prerequisite of growing healthy hair. Use Sigmund Shea Butter for a nutritious scalp oiling.
2. Less Chemicals: Many commercial shampoos and conditioners today contain harmful chemicals which, over a long period of usage, will cause very serious health problems both to your hair and your body. Hair colorings, styling devices, perm/curl treatments will also create similar long term effect. Be extremely careful with these chemicals and use natural products as much as possible. It is advisable to wait 2 to 3 months before another round of hair coloring/treatment.
See list of harmful chemicals which you may find in your skin/hair care products.
3. Hair Style: Your choice of hair style is important in your journey to regain your hair. You may have noticed that some hair styles like cornrows and pony tails strain your hair and can cause damage to both hair and scalp over time. Some of these damages can be permanent so, do not wear these hair styles very often.
4. Your hair! Your Body! Yes, it is funny to be reminded that your hair is still part of your body. How you treat your body will somehow show on your hair. While keeping your body healthy, make sure to eat right, get a proper dose of vitamins and minerals, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep.
5. Vitamins and Minerals: Some vitamins and minerals help to balance hormones and set the body functions back on track – including hair growth. The following vitamins and minerals have been proven to help hair loss and can be consumed as food supplements: Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Iron, and Vitamin B Complex. You can also supplement with calcium which helps to strengthen hair roots. My recommendation is to start off with daily dose of vitamin B complex and calcium.
By following the above simple steps, you will be able to regain your lost hair, keeping your head full of healthy beautiful hair.